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Empire State Building

Green Gobs 1.0

by Sustainable G on February 8, 2011 · 0 comments

in Miscellaneous Schmidt

I wanted to introduce a fine young man who will be adding content to the site, Giovanni a.k.a. Sustainable G, , who lacking any real purpose has decided to thwap away at a keyboard here at Sustainable Schmidt aggregating content on green building for you.  Treat him well, and if you come across any gobs of green information our community might find useful, link it to him at any time.

Sustainable Schmidt


Want to make your roof look like the Academy of Sciences? gives you the basic guidelines on how to turn your roof into a successful garden.

The New York Times reports that the Empire State Building will now use nothing but renewable energy.

No one really knows where all of that stimulus money has gone to, but the Chicago Tribune has found that a small portion of the money has been used to make federal buildings more energy efficient.  Though in truth we took a bit, when we installed an energy efficient boiler in an 11 unit building in the mission the $16,500 bill came with a $2,300.00 rebate from San Francisco’s Cash for Boilers program, funded by the Obama administration’s stimulus bill.

Not everyone believes in climate change.   Read this New York Times article to find out what some politicians want to do to the EPA. recently posted an article about how a group of Houston artists plans on building a totally green village out of recycled shipping crates.
