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Solar power is so hot right now it is easy to forget about alternate sources of home power.  But just as the thought of rooftop photovoltaic panels probably sounded uber green 10 years ago, in 10 years we may well see more houses with these:


I have been watching this windmill spin in the Forrest Hills Extension neighborhood of The City for some time now.  I think it takes some big hairy balls to be willing to erect one of these on your block, and I approve.  This is radically unknown territory for your average home owner, and not every contractor, electrician or even inspector from the Department of Building Inspection is going to know what to do with a home windmill.  Obviously though, it can be done, and in windy locals it makes sustainable sense.   One big disadvantage to Solar Panels like the ones I have on my house is that they do not work at night.  But the wind can blow 24/7, so having the capacity to generate at all times is great.   Now my electrical bills with a 2.3 Kilowatt solar system is $11.22 for this past month (PG&E bill just came) but this has been summer with longer days and up to 2,000 watts generate each hour.  I know it will drop when winter comes, and something like a windmill would is a tempting addition.  Not 100% sure what the wife will say though…


