The lighting breakdown

by Sustainable Nikos on June 28, 2011 · 0 comments

in Miscellaneous Schmidt

Hello readers,

Today, Helmut, John, and I went to the Pacific property in order to meet with a representative from the SF Department of the Environment. The representative was helping us understand some of the rebates and programs put in place by the city. He was also at the property to do a compliance audit for our piping insulation installation. However, while he was there, he also alerted us to the existence of some of the services the city would also provide to help buildings stay “green.”

The most fascinating of these projects was the city’s project of incandescent to LED replacement. The city of San Francisco offers a program wherein they will replace a homeowner’s incandescent bulbs and cans for LED ones. LED lights are very energy efficient, but are also potentially expensive. Whereas standard incandescent bulbs use an average of 60 watts, fluorescent bulbs use 23 wats, and LEDs use only 4. To increase the number of people using LED’s and helping the environment, the city offers to replace the incandescent bulbs with LED’s to help achieve greater sustainability. Unfortunately, they won’t subsidize the transition from incandescent to LED.

All in all it was a very informative meeting. And, if you have incandescent lights, and wish to be more sustainable, call Ryan Chan at the SF Department of the Environment to switch them out!

Stay Dry,

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