Sustainable Track & Field

by schmidt on June 1, 2009 · 0 comments

in Miscellaneous Schmidt

I was with my kids over the weekend at a Track & Field meet for the San Francisco CYO (Catholic Youth Organziation) – fun fact about Mr Sustainable, he Coaches Track and Cross Country at Saint Ignatius…anyhoo I am at the meet watching 3rd through 8th graders run, throw and jump and I was struck by how great they all were.  Rising CO2 levels were not on their plates, for them it was the sheer joy of testing their athletic abilities, seeing how far, how was, how long.  Youth really is a gift, though I disagree with George Bernard Shaw’s flippant “youth is wasted on the young” line.  When we age we shoulder our responsibilities as we rightly should, and if we can buffer our children from the malestorm for a time, so be it.

While I clearly feel this blog is the finest on the planet, this morning over my light & sweet java I was revisiting Grist – a damn fine site for green news on topics other than building, and I was impressed.  I havent a clue how the newspaper industry turmoil is going to shake out, but I suspect that places like Grist, Huffpo, and SustainableSchmidt will probalby be the future of new news.  If nothing less a lot of trees won’tbe chopped down for newsprint.  Now if only someone smarter than me can figure out how to save the jobs of these really top notch journalists and support staff and get their excellent content here as primary source material, that would be something.

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